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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Ke pointing check 2011 Jun 21

Pointing on Taurus, then 0537-441. Found 0.04 deg el offset.

P7 adjusted in model from 0.4722 to 0.5122

2011/06/21 00:33 · 0 Comments

Yarragadee configuration

IF patching is now back to default.

7 x 6 TB modules left.

On June 19, The Rim to shield distance with no pointing corrections selected is 3282.5 mm

2011/06/20 02:27 · 0 Comments

Ke pointing check

Pointing check prior to R4487 on Virgo and 1921-293:

No offset in xEl, but a +0.09 deg offset in El

P7 was 0.3822. Updated to 0.3822+0.09 = 0.4722

2011/06/16 11:57 · 0 Comments

Katherine pointing solution v1.0

Katherine pointing solution v1.0 obtained and loaded ~00.30 UT 8 June 2011.

2011/06/08 00:40 · 0 Comments

Yg H-maser tuning

Subtracted 231 counts from freq synthesiser to correct maser rate (fast) of 20 nanoseconds per day. Performed at163/0014. New synthesiser value is 55592 E-15.

Added 1041 counts to freq synthesiser to correct maser rate (slow) of 90 nanoseconds per day following cavity tune. Synthesiser adjustment performed at 155/1315 UT. The new value is 55823. The maser now leads GPS by 10.33 microseconds.

On 4/06/2011 11:23 AM, Brett Reid wrote:
Yg Maser cavity tuning complete and turned off at 155/0045 today. Frequency should be stable. We will monitor the new rate over the next few days to see if a synthesiser change is required to level the new rate.

2011/06/06 11:37 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey