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This wiki is not maintained! Do not use this when setting up AuScope experiments!

This is an old revision of the document!

Preparing Schedule and Procedure Files

Open a terminal and ssh into observer@ops-serv2 and run:


When run, it will prompt you for the experiment code and observatory. Both should be entered in lower case. It will download the schedule file (or ask if you want to re-download the file if it currently exists) to /vlbobs/ivs/sched/, copy it to pcfs[hb|ke|yg] (it will check if it will overwrite the file), build the snp and prc files (or offer to re-build them if they exist), copy them to the correct places and finally offer to print off a schedule summary and the procedure file. (Crtl X Ctrl C to print proc file after editing).

Make sure the ifdsx command has the right IFs selected and the right power settings. Check the DBBC setup page for the correct settings. Note that this should be done by default now but please double check, especially for unusual or non-standard setups.

Extra Step For Austral Experiments

Austral Experiments need to have the proc file edited

Open two terminals on pcfs. Enter in one terminal:

more /usr2/proc/aust<previous_exp_number><station_code>.prc

Go to the end of the file and highlight the procedure.

On the other terminal, enter >

emacs -nw /usr2/proc/aust<current_exp_number><station_code>.prc

Go to the bottom of the file and paste the checkmk5 procedure.

Ctrl x Crtl c and 'y' to save.

This procedure should be done before the proc file has been run at all.

If you do need to edit the proc file after it has been run, follow these directions:

Open two terminals in the pcfs vnc viewer.

In one enter:

more /usr2/proc/aust<previous_exp_number><station_code>.prc

This will open the previous experiment proc file.

Then in the other terminal, enter:


Then overwrite the current proc file by entering:


Then enter:


Copy and paste the procedure from the previous experiment proc file in the first terminal to the new procedure file in the second terminal.

Then Ctrl x Ctrl c and 'y' to save.

/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/attic/operations/documentation.ivs.drudg_9.10.5.1407723417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/11 02:16 by Jim Lovell