A series of test observations were performed with the aim to streamline the complete process including scheduling, correlation, fringe fitting and creation of total delays and a geodetic analysis. We use VieVS for scheduling, the NASA field system for tracking, DiFX for correlation, fourfit for fringe fitting and VieVS for the analysis. A journal publication is in work. this work is led by the University of Tasmania (L. Plank, J. McCallum, J. Lovell) and Technische Universität Wien (A. Hellerschmied, J. Böhm).
First results were presented during the IVS GM in South Africa Hellerschmied et al. and the VLBI WS for nera field targets in Bonn (scheduling, observations, technical challenges).
M. Rothacher from ETH was interested to compare the modelled delays. 131a_vievs.dat is a file containing the theoretical delyas calculated with VieVS. Values are in seconds. Time reference is time of signal reception (UT) at station 1. The delay includes the a priori hydrostatic delay as well as the antenna axis offset which is up to 8m for the Hobart26 antenna.