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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

UPS checks

A test to see if the two UPS units in rack 14 can keep the DBBC, PCFS, Mark5B, IF unit running in the event of a power failure.

Power was removed to the UPS powering the DBBC and PCFS for 2 min. No interruption to either unit was seen. Similarly, the test was run on the UPS powering the Mark5B equipment and IF unit, and was successful.

2010/05/12 04:34 · 0 Comments

Fringe test experiment 12 May 2010 (day 132)

Fringe test with Tsukuba and Kokee, starting at 00:00 UT and running for 2h.


RF unit showing cross-over switches both in “Direct” mode. Commenced observations recording nominal RCP.

12m signals going to DBBC/Mark5B and MarkIV-rack/Mark5A simultaneously. IF setup was as follows:

  • Unordered List ItemS-band IFs: input from 12m to DBBC and MarkIV
  • X-band lower 4 : input from 12m to DBBC and MarkIV
  • X-band upper 4 : 12m through DBBC, 26m through MarkIV

DBBC was loaded with new firmware from Gino shortly before the experiment. Dave Graham's DBBC setup procedure was followed.

  • Started on time at 00:00 UT
  • Polarisations were swapped to nominal LCP on the 12m half-way through. Swap occurred between 00:59:10 and 01:02:23 UT
  • Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 15.3822 microsec at 2010.132.01:50:39.01
  • The Formatter time difference in the log is for the Mark5A data.
  • The Mark5B data uses a different maser for its time source. The clkoff for this maser was essentially constant throughout the experiment at a value of 15.33 microseconds.
2010/05/12 00:10 · 0 Comments

Finished Controller Software Update 7 May

1555 UTC 7 May The update was installed and tested but it did not entirely cure the problem, which now appears to be due to a time delay in one of the in-built motion control fucntions. As noted previously the flag error only occurs when switching to track mode while the antenna is still moving in velocity or positon mode. There is no problem if the antenna is allowed to decelerate to a halt before switching to track mode.

The software has been restored to its original state. I will discuss the isssue with CT next week to find a way of accessing the necessary data without time delays.

Mark Godwin

2010/05/07 16:19 · 0 Comments

Controller Software Update 7 May

1400 UTC 7 May I'm about to start installing and testing an update to the Hobart antenna controller software to fix the digital lock ON/OFF indicator problem. Will notify when complete. Mark Godwin

2010/05/07 14:04 · 0 Comments

Status update 5 May 2010

Here’s an update on how things are going with the AuScope project:

  • Delivery of the first new feed (for Hobart) is slated for the end of June. This will include a new feed tube which is wider than the present one. We can expect 2 or 3 people from Patriot to visit for this work. I’m expecting it will take two to three weeks to install, test and hopefully accept it. If it works, Patriot will build two more and install them at Yarragadee and Katherine. Installation at the remote sites would probably start late August at the earliest.
  • Delivery of the remaining two DBBC samplers is also set for the end of June
  • Acceptance testing of Yarragadee is all but complete (one more test to do remotely to test performance in high winds - some controller tuning by Patriot may be needed)
  • Acceptance testing of Katherine has been put off until Patriot install the feed there later this year. There appears to be a mechanical problem in elevation
  • A recent fringe check experiment using the analog MarkIV rack (not the DBBC) was successful, checked which way round the polarisations are and gave us an additional sensitivity measurement. A test using the DBBC and MarkIV in parallel is scheduled for next week.
  • I think we should attempt to make Tsys and power measurements through the DBBC using the Linux-based system from Dave Graham, that should be available in the next week. This would mean we don’t have to develop our own sampling hardware.
  • 1.0 to 1.5 GHz bandpass filters have been received for the DBBC and should be installed this week. This will give us access to the upper half of X-band without pre-mixing.
  • Dave Hughes has purchased a sample kit of tools and components that will be kept at each site and I’ve asked him to send it to Mt Pleasant for checking. Brett, Eric, Brenton and Peter, please take a look at it and let me know what’s missing.
  • Three spectrum analysers have been purchased. Two go up to 3 GHz, one up to 18 GHz. The 18 GHz unit will stay here, the other two to Yarragadee and Katherine.
  • Brett has installed one of our masers at Yarragadee. Some tuning is required as it’s drifting by ~4 us a day. This seems to be in hand.
  • Yarragadee now has a maser, anemometer, ‘timing' PC, observer PC and webcam. The site is on the UTAS network and the antenna can now be controlled remotely.
  • Katherine is also on the network, has a weather station and webcam.
2010/05/05 05:13 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey