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AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Mark5 upgrade for CONT14

The firmware/software upgrade to the Mark5A and Mark5B+ units has been carried out for mkv, mk5hb and mk5yg. The new version seems to have some compatibility issues with previously recorded modules - DirList gives all scan pointers as zero. For this reason, mk5streamhb has not been upgraded, in order to be able to easily read pre-March 19 modules (AUST19,AUST20,ohig)? The new version of fuseMk5 can work with the new UserDir size but has not been tested.

Info for observers: The upgrade changes the maximum number of scans that can be recorded onto a module from 2^10 to 2^16. Not everywhere has completed this though, so to maintain backwards compatibility you need to issue this command from the FS before starting a recording on an empty module


This sets the scan list back to the short format with 2^10 scans maximum. This is necessary for all modules for the next few months, and critical for those sent off to Washington.

Also, can you include this message in the start/stop messages:

“The mark5B+ was upgraded 19/3/14 and is using mark5 v3.0.1 software, Amazon v16.37 firmware, and FPGAConfigVersion 1.08.”

2014/03/19 00:42 · 0 Comments

Mt Pleasant switch to Vremya maser 2013 Dec 2, 01.00 UT

Whole observatory moved to Vremya maser at approx 01.00 UT on Dec 2, 2013

2014/03/18 22:58 · 0 Comments

Yarragadee antenna servicing Nov 2013

Nov 10: Jack Paff reports:

Hi Jim,

I have completed servicing your antenna today which included greasing the AZ bullgear, El screw jack, all grease points outside and inside the pedestal. Also Applied UV protection to El screw jack cover. I would suggest you have someone test the antenna before the next experiment to make sure nothing has been disturbed during the servicing.


Jack Paff

2013/11/12 00:51 · 0 Comments

LO Lock Problem at Yg

LO became unlocked at different Az positions during r1610. Randall inspected the twister cable and found one had a kink. It also made a grinding noise if flexed. The problem was just below a hoop in the twister. That length of cable was suspected to be Heliax. It was the 100MHz cable to the LO. That length has been temporarily replaced with a piece of LMR400 that was also in the loom. The loss of LO lock problem seems to have gone away and the R1610YG experiment has continued. We should watch to see if LMR400 produces any more phase noise compared to the Heliax.

Randall confirms replacement cable is of same type as the original : LMR400. Photo of damaged cable attached.

damaged cable 1

damaged cable 2

2013/11/06 02:40 · 0 Comments

Software Update to Katherine 12m Antenna Controller

2 November 0953 UT

Starting software update now.

1130 UT Software update complete. Now monitoring clock for several hours. Will advise when complete.

3 November 0900 UT Clock monitoring complete. Finished with antenna.

2013/11/02 09:53 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey