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Operations Meetings

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If there are any questions or issues with module logistics, please contact with the details.

See Experiment and Module Catalog for module allocations, inventory, transfers, upcoming and historic experiments;

Telescope calibration/monitoring procedures and notes

Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Software Update to Yarragadee 12m Antenna

1 Nov 2013 21:17 UT Starting update now.

22:49 UT Controller update complete.

2013/11/01 21:19 · 0 Comments

Ke FS upgraded to 9.11.4

Notes are here: Ke 9.11.1 to 9.11.4

2013/10/03 04:03 · 0 Comments

Hb FS upgraded to 9.11.4

Notes are here 9.11.3 to 9.11.4 at Hb

2013/10/03 04:02 · 0 Comments

DBBC v104 testing at Hb

  • Edited /usr2/control/equip.ctl and changed version to v104
  • on DBBC, started DBBC2 Control DDC v104_2.exe
  • created dbbc_config_file_104_calibration.txt
  • in pcfs:
    • dbbc=load=dbbc_config_file_104_calibration.txt
    • dbbc=reconf
    • dbbc=pps_sync
    • smlstat
    • smlrf=on (freq is 764 MHz, level = -25)
    • dbbc=dbbcgain=all,man
    • dbbc=calibration
    • wrote 2013-275T000650-calib.txt
      • First nulls at 102, 83, 89, 88
    • dbbc=dbbcgain=all,agc
  • on DBBC, created these files in C:\DBBC_CONF with default phase settings as shown above
    • dbbc_config_file_104_point.txt
    • dbbc_config_file_104_rapid.txt
  • on PCFS in /usr2/proc, edit point.prc and station.prc to point to these new config files
  • smlrf=off
  • Tried :
    • proc=r4604hb
    • setupsx
    • caltsys : values looked plausible
    • proc=point
    • initp
    • virgoa
    • fivept
    • Offsets look good
    • onoff x 3. Some variation. S-band RFI obvious. Weather overcast - problem?
    • azeloff=0d,0d
    • then a bunch of Tsys measurements at zenith. Numbers looks consistent?
2013/10/03 00:27 · 0 Comments

DBBC v104 testing at Yg

  • Edited /usr2/control/equip.ctl and changed version to v104
  • on DBBC, started DBBC2 Control DDC v104_2.exe
  • created dbbc_config_file_104_calibration.txt
  • in pcfs:
    • dbbc=load=dbbc_config_file_104_calibration.txt
    • dbbc=reconf
    • dbbc=pps_sync
    • smlstat
    • smlrf=on (freq is 764 MHz, level = -25)
    • dbbc=calibration
    • wrote 2013-274T044906-calib.txt
      • First nulls at 80, 66, 76, 79
    • Oops, forgot about AGC loop (not sure how critical)
    • dbbc=dbbcgain=all,man
    • dbbc=calibration
    • wrote 2013-274T045548-calib.txt
      • First nulls at 82, 71, 86, 84
    • dbbc=dbbcgain=all,man
  • on DBBC, created these files in C:\DBBC_CONF with default phase settings as shown above
    • dbbc_config_file_104_point.txt
    • dbbc_config_file_104_rapid.txt
  • on PCFS in /usr2/proc, edit point.prc and station.prc to point to these new config files
  • smlrf=off
  • Tried :
    • proc=r4606yg
    • setupsx
    • caltsys : values looked plausible
    • proc=point
    • initp
    • virgoa
    • fivept
    • Offsets look good
    • onoff x 4. Some variation. RFI?
    • then a bunch of Tsys measurements at zenith. Numbers looks consistent?
2013/10/02 04:24 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey