This is a slightly faster method to setup the telescopes using a variety of scripts developed by the observers and operations staff over the years. The procedure listed below hasn't undergone much testing and as a result should only be used if you are experienced in setting up the telescopes the old way.
nobs -cp
ssh observer@ops-serv2
and then
ifa=1,agc,1 ifb=4,agc,4 ifc=2,agc,2 ifd=2,agc,2 dbbcform=geo
For APSG, OHIG, AOV and T2 experiments they should be:
ifa=1,agc,1 ifb=4,agc,1 ifc=2,agc,2 ifd=2,agc,2 dbbcform=geo
Telescope ifa ifb ifc ifd Hobart 40000 48000 32500 35000 Katherine 42000 34000 32000 42000 Yarragadee 25000 29000 35000 35000
**Timing PC:** HMI ("UOT 12m Antenna-xxx"), Tac32Plus, and the AneMonitor. **PCFS:** field system **DBBC:**DBBC2 Control DDC v104_2.exe **Maser** H-server, Standard VCH-1005A Manager
and then manually closing any stragglers.
windows hb ke yg
omitting any telescopes not in use.
to open browser windows to the VLBI webcams, Autocorrelation spectra, and Auscope Handover page.
stream_log hb
or any other station. You will need to redirect the log monitor to /tmp/hb.log
to read the file and have alarms. moprin
in a terminal. Moprin lets you send commands simultaneously to multiple telescopes. You can specify the telescopes you need, e.g. to select Katherine 12m and Yarragadee 12m only type stns ke yg
into the moprin window.
proc=r1556$s exper_initi log=r1556$s
Moprin will replace the $s
with the appropriate station code.
setupsx iread bread r1418 hb-ke-yg
with the correct experiment code and the required stations of course. Please not the output of the EndDIM
might say dim not found
or something similar. This is okay as it just means that the process wasn't running when the EndDim command was issued. If the script doesnt break out of a loop, the mk5 hasnt been setup properly.
. Please make sure you are using the correct module Module Allocation Spreadsheet