Following on with another observation

Sometimes, another IVS observation will follow from the one just finished. In this case, some of the setup procedure will need repeating. Specifically:

e-Remote Ctrl

The checklist should now be visible. The items in the list are described below and can be ticked off as you go. If time is pressing, skip items like pointing checks, fringe checks etc.

The Before Observation Checklist

Prepare the schedule file

Hopefully this was already done well ahead of time and won't need doing now:

RF and IF signal path

Unlikely to need changing but worth a quick check:

Check the maser

Skip if time is pressing:

DBBC Configuration

If the DBBC config is the same as the last experiment, nothing to do here. However, if there is a change required, these are the steps:

Mark5 Recorder setup

This should only be necessary if the recording mode is different. It will be necessary to confirm that data are being recorded to the correct bank and you should have received notes on this prior to the experiment from the on-call person.

Clock and delay check
Test recording

If time permits (and can be safely skipped if the DBBC and Mark5 modes haven't changed):

System Temperature (Tsys) check

Skip if there isn't enough time:

Antenna checks

Only check pointing if there's time:

Weather checks
Fringe check

This is time consuming but worth doing if you have ~15 min to spare:

Send a Station Ready email

Be sure to note any items skipped due to short change-over time (or recently checked):



The usual startup procedure can now be done: Starting and Monitoring