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AuScope Operations Log

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Yarragadee pointing model v1.0

Following pointing observations by Jamie over the weekend, a new model has been calculated. RMS in xEl is 10 mdeg, in El it's 15 mdeg.

New solutions loaded at 03:30 UT.

2011/04/11 03:37 · 0 Comments

Pointing check on Hb 11 April 2011

Prior to r1478, observed 1921-293 at X-band, (az,el) = (-92.95, 43.40).
Offsets were:

xEl = -0.015
El = -0.01
2011/04/11 00:15 · 0 Comments

Yarragadee limit testing 7 April 2011

New pointing solutions have been installed:

P1 = -0.0058
P2 = 0
P3 = 0.0142
P4 = 0.0114
P5 = -0.0081
P7 = 0
P8 = -0.0265
P9 = -0.001

and drive offsets (20.21 in az and el) set to 0.1141 deg and -3.5933 deg respectively.

Running in velocity mode we hit the hard limit before the soft limit

Further observing and debugging showed the encoder offsets were inserted with the wrong sign! Fixing this remedied the elevation limit problem but the Az hard limits were moved out slightly to give +/- 270 deg movement.

Some piggy-backed data collected during r4477.

2011/04/07 06:29 · 0 Comments

Hb pointing check 2011 Mar 28

Before r1476, pointing check on 1921-293 (az,el = -82, 54). Offsets:
xEl = 0 deg
El = -0.01 deg

No need to update model

2011/03/28 00:05 · 0 Comments

R1474 Observation

During the R1474 observations on the 16th March 2011 a problem was encountered. The autocorrelation plot looked like the one in the example that can usually be safely ignored see (here). This was misinterpreted by the observer as an issue with the dbbc. Further investigation showed dimino to not be running. A restart of dimino did nothing to improve the situation. Furthermore there were then errors reported on pmstalmhb to do with being unable to contact the mk5.

The dbbc was re-setup at which time the autocorrelation display appeared normal. However observer error meant the wrong line number was given and the 12m went slewing off through a whole bunch of sources. The schedule was halted and resumed at the correct line number but now Mk5 connection issues re-emerged. A final restart of dimino fixed the issues.

After this systemp12 would no longer run, complaining about an error with the ./ script. There were also multiple “formatter is offset from the FS time” and “warning onsource status is slewing” errors during this run.

2011/03/23 04:26 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey