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Operations Meetings

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See Experiment and Module Catalog for module allocations, inventory, transfers, upcoming and historic experiments;

Telescope calibration/monitoring procedures and notes

Stairwell Displays

AuScope Operations Log

Please enter any significant events related to the AuScope VLBI project, including observations, configuration changes, hardware upgrades etc.

Ke pointing update

Pointing offset of ~-0.04 deg seen in Elevation. Updated parameter P7 as follows prior to R4538:

P7 = 0.5194 - 0.04 = 0.4794

2012/06/21 06:31 · 0 Comments

DBBC front covers

During the Hobart miniTOW overheating of the rear pci cards was discussed. It was decided that the clear front panels should be re-installed to provide the correct airflow to the rear boards.

15/6/2012 - Front panel reinstalled on Hb dbbc. Now good airflow through rear slots.

20/6/2012 - Front panel reinstalled on Yg dbbc. Air exiting rear slots now much stronger and cooler.

2012/06/20 07:56 · 2 Comments
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Mini-Tow has started

The mini-TOW has started

2012/06/11 23:41 · 1 Comment
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Logging of MET4A in PCFS at Yg

The MET4A weather station is now being monitored and logged by pcfsyg. Software installation notes can be found here.

Weather data (temp, humid, pressure) are logged in /usr2/log/wx/, can be examined by typing wth (or wx) in the Field System while it's running.

It's also visible in Monica

2012/05/16 04:33 · 0 Comments

New DBBC IF power targets

During the NZ trip, Gino advised us that the DBBC performance could be improved by adjusting the DBBCIF power targets. The recommended method was to adjust the IF powers by changing the attenuation to maximise the apparent aplitude of a tone in the BBC channels. This has been carried out for Hb, Ke and Yg, using the pcal tones as a reference. The improvement in apparent magnitude (as estimated through Haystack's bpcal software) ranges between ~30 - 300% over the default values. The table below lists the new targets. A test is planned to see if the improvements in apparent magnitude of the tones carries across to an improved SNR in VLBI observations.

Hb CoMo Previous Target New Target
A 55000 32000
B 55000 40000
C 55000 30000
D 55000 30000
Ke CoMo Previous Target New Target
A 55000 35000
B 55000 28000
C 55000 28000
D 51000 40000
Yg CoMo Previous Target New Target
A 55000 26000
B 55000 26000
C 55000 45000
D 55000 31000
2012/05/14 00:38 · 0 Comments
/home/www/auscope/opswiki/data/pages/operations/log.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/25 04:45 by Warren Hankey