These are notes on IVS observations from ops2, the six-monitor PC in the AuScope VLBI Operations room in Hobart.
If you are unfamiliar with the computers and software used at the sites and in the control room, please read this before continuing:
Below is a step-by-step procedure for making IVS observations on the 12m telescopes. The current version of e-RemoteCtrl has a built-in checklist which can now be used during the setup procedure. So the first task is to start the Observing and monitoring software at each site, then e-RemoteCtrl.
Check that the software on the timing PCs is running:
The checklist should now be visible. The items in the list are described below and can be ticked off as you go
The Digital Base-Band Converter (DBBC) takes the IF signals from the telescope and digitises them for the Mark5 recorder. The DBBC needs to be properly configured prior to an observation:
Next the Mark5 recorder needs to be prepared for the observations.
At the end of an observation:
Gmail accounts have been set up for registration with skype and other services. The usual Observer password applies.
Skype: keobserver
skype: ygobserver
skype: hbobserver